girls taking photos

Gifted & Talented

At Farringtons School, we believe in fostering a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom. That is why our gifted and talented pupils thrive, thanks to our dedication to providing them with the tools and opportunities they need.

Sapientiem Talks

Our enriching Sapientiem Talks spark intellectual curiosity in our Senior School pupils and feature prominent speakers from diverse fields. Past speakers include luminaries like Chris Witty, Jan Meek, and the renowned author Malorie Black. These talks expose pupils to a variety of ideas, igniting a passion for lifelong learning.

The Passport Challenge

The Passport Challenge will push Year 7-9 pupils to explore their talents and interests. This exciting initiative offers a range of engaging tasks, with all pupils expected to complete a number of tasks throughout the year. 

The Passport Challenge offers a diverse range of activities, from creating a captivating podcast to crafting a compelling business plan. This programme allows pupils to develop valuable skills like communication, leadership, and problem-solving, all while fostering a spirit of creativity and innovation. The year culminates in a rewarding trip for pupils who complete their Passport Challenge.

Explore, Discover & Achieve

We offer a variety of exciting trips, tours, and educational visits designed to ignite curiosity and broaden pupils’ horizons. We leverage the wealth of opportunities on our doorstep in London, a vibrant city teeming with cultural attractions. Here’s a glimpse of some of our previous trips:

Prep School

  • Young Voices choir performed at the iconic O2 Arena
  • Year 6 explored the cultural delights of France
  • Year 4 spent two days at Windmill Hill PGL
  • Year 5 experienced a cultural visit to York

Senior School

  • Football tours to Real Madrid and Dortmund
  • Trekking through the jungle in Malaysia
  • Dance workshop at Pineapple Dance Studios

Olympiad Competitions

Farringtons fosters a passion for STEM subjects by encouraging participation in prestigious Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Olympiads. The British Mathematical Olympiad exemplifies this commitment. This three-and-a-half-hour challenge pushes Senior pupils with six problems requiring in-depth solutions.

Empowering Workshops

We offer workshops designed to enrich the learning experience. Past workshops have featured renowned author Sara Grant, providing invaluable insights into the world of literature in the Senior School and the theatre company Divergent Drama delivering an exciting workshop on Shakespeare in the Prep SchoolRecently, the school scholars attended a special club where they created a project based on William Shakespeare. The club encouraged self-study and research as well as presentation skills and writing a formal academic essay. These workshops provide a platform for pupils to delve deeper into their interests and gain expertise from accomplished professionals.

Find Your Voice

Pupils can hone their communication skills in our exceptional oracy programme. Senior School pupils participate in extra-curricular debating and public speaking lessons, as well as enjoying the annual Poetry by Heart competition and LAMDA exams. In the Prep School pupils in Year 3 onwards take the English-Speaking Board exams.

In the Prep School our talented singers are invited to join the Chamber Choir. They rehearse and perform more complex pieces focussing on 3- and 4-part harmony. 

Bespoke Curriculum

We understand that gifted pupils thrive on intellectual stimulation. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to challenge and stretch their potential. 

At Farringtons, we believe in nurturing the brilliance within each pupil. With our stimulating programmes and dedicated support, we empower our gifted and talented pupils to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
