All the information you need on fees, bursaries & scholarships for each academic year at Farringtons.
Farringtons School fees include a daily choice of hot or cold lunch, plus dessert or fresh fruit. All meals are prepared in our own kitchens and are of a very high standard. Exam fees for GCSEs are covered (excluding re-sits), as is homework preparation from 4-5pm for all Senior School pupils. Prep School pupils enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, from swimming to knitting.
Fees are payable in advance, on or before the first day of each term. Therefore, if you enrol your child after half-term, you’ll pay half the fees for that term. No further reductions are available for late starters.
The governors reserve the right to charge interest on late payments and to ask for pupils to be withdrawn if a settlement has not been made by half-term. Parents wishing to pay through instalments can contact the Bursar to obtain details of how to do this by calling 020 8467 0256 or emailing
Fee Reductions
Families with two or more siblings enrolled at the School receive a 10% discount on the fees of the younger sibling(s). This reduction is not available to siblings in receipt of the Early Years Grant.
Special fee reductions apply to British Forces personnel. To learn more, please contact the Admissions Team by calling 020 8467 0256 or emailing