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Fees, Bursaries & Scholarships

All the information you need on fees, bursaries & scholarships for each academic year at Farringtons.


Farringtons School fees include a daily choice of hot or cold lunch, plus dessert or fresh fruit. All meals are prepared in our own kitchens and are of a very high standard. Exam fees for GCSEs are covered  (excluding re-sits), as is homework preparation from 4-5pm for all Senior School pupils. Prep School pupils enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, from swimming to knitting.


Fees are payable in advance, on or before the first day of each term. Therefore, if you enrol your child after half-term, you’ll pay half the fees for that term. No further reductions are available for late starters.

The governors reserve the right to charge interest on late payments and to ask for pupils to be withdrawn if a settlement has not been made by half-term. Parents wishing to pay through instalments can contact the Bursar to obtain details of how to do this by calling 020 8467 0256 or emailing bursar@farringtons.kent.sch.uk.

Fee Reductions

Families with two or more siblings enrolled at the School receive a 10% discount on the fees of the younger sibling(s). This reduction is not available to siblings in receipt of the Early Years Grant.

Special fee reductions apply to British Forces personnel. To learn more, please contact the Admissions Team by calling 020 8467 0256 or emailing admissions@farringtons.kent.sch.uk.



Below is a summary of our termly fees for the 2024/25 academic year:


Termly fees commencing September 2024 Termly fees commencing January 2025
Mornings £2,140 per term VAT exempt, therefore no change
Afternoon £2,140 per term VAT exempt, therefore no change
All day (including lunches) £4,280 per term VAT exempt, therefore no change


Termly fees commencing September 2024 Termly fees commencing January 2025
Day pupil £5,280 per term £5,180 (excluding VAT) £6,216 (Inc. VAT)


Termly fees commencing September 2024 Termly fees commencing January 2025
Day pupil £6,650 per term £6,520 (excluding VAT) £7,824 (inc. VAT)
Weekly boarder £11,280 per term £11,060 (excluding VAT) £13,272 (inc. VAT)
Full boarder £14,160 per term £13,880 (excluding VAT) £16,656 (inc. VAT)


1 night flexi-boarding free (Monday—Thursday night only)
2—10 nights flexi-boarding £66.00 per night (inc. VAT)
11+ nights £96.00 per night (inc. VAT)

* Note: All fees are reviewed annually. 

Registration Fee (non-returnable) £120 inclusive of VAT.

The day pupil fee includes a daily choice of hot or cold lunch, plus dessert or fresh fruit.  All meals are prepared in our own kitchens and are of a very high standard.

Bursaries – Year 7 and 12

Farringtons is able to provide some financial assistance to pupils whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees. These bursaries are awarded on an assessment of financial need.


We offer a range of scholarships, to find out more about what we offer view our scholarship booklet.


A deposit of £1,000 is payable for Prep and Senior entry for day pupils joining Farringtons and £500 of this shall be credited against the first term’s invoice. There is no additional deposit required when moving from our Prep School to Senior School. 

For full boarders, weekly boarders and pupils whose residence is usually outside of the UK, the deposit is £13,880.00. All deposits are payable on parents’ acceptance of an offer of a place in the School.

The deposit is retained until after the final term of schooling when it is refunded to the parents, subject to the settlement of any outstanding charges. The deposit is forfeited if the child fails to take up the place for any reason. Fees are payable for the first term even if a child fails to take up the place, unless one term’s notice is given confirming that the place is no longer required.

Prep and Senior day pupils £1,000
For UK based boarders £1,000
For overseas based boarders £13,880

(payable and refundable in accordance with Terms & Conditions)

Optional Extras

Specialist tuition for most instruments is available, as is preparation for LAMDA (speech and drama). These are charged at cost and will be added to the end of term account. Additional tuition for pupils with a specific learning need is not charged for.

Educational visits and weekend activities will be added to the end of term account for boarders. For day pupils, these are to be paid for in advance by parents, as advised by staff, in advance of the activity.

  • Prep School Working Open Morning: Wednesday 26th February at 9.15am
  • Senior School Working Open Morning: Friday 7th March 2025 at 9.15am

