Prep School

Farringtons Prep School is set in 25 acres of idyllic grounds near London. We balance academic excellence with a nurturing atmosphere, fostering critical thinkers and well-rounded individuals. Beyond core subjects, we explore a rich curriculum with specialist teachers, engaging extra-curricular activities, and an on-site Forest School! Our facilities provide endless opportunities for enjoyment, creativity, and a love of learning. Why choose Farringtons Prep School?

Academic Excellence

  • Challenging and stimulating: we aim to unlock each child’s full potential through engaging, thought-provoking tasks that promote critical thinking
  • Deep learning: the Maths Mastery curriculum builds a strong foundation, emphasising connections and long-term understanding
  • Broad and engaging: diverse texts in English develop inference, deduction, and writing skills, with a focus on accurate grammar
  • Oracy and public speaking: prestigious English Speaking Board Exams empower children to confidently share their ideas
  • Creative Literacy Explorers Programme: this programme cultivates a love of reading and early literacy skills through immersive activities and a focus on core texts. Staff incorporate pedagogical research and innovative approaches to encourage children’s engagement with literacy and writing.

Character Development

  • Critical thinking: Philosophy for Children (P4C) sharpens critical, creative and communication skills through respectful debate and inquiry
  • Responsibility and independence: residential trips in Key Stage 2 build confidence, maturity, and lasting memories
  • Time to shine: from Pre-Reception, pupils are given the opportunity to perform in productions and take part in class assemblies

Exceptional Pastoral Care

  • Dedicated team: approachable staff and small class sizes ensure individual attention and support
  • Strong sense of nurture: a caring environment built on mutual respect and understanding

Holistic Development

  • Curiosity and wonder: our broad curriculum ignite curiosity and a love for learning
  • Enrichment: trips, workshops, and specialist teaching in Music, PE, Computing, Languages, and more bring subjects to life
  • Thriving sports: passionate coaching and a diverse range of sport options foster a love for physical activity
  • Creative expression: music, dance, drama, and art are celebrated and showcased, providing opportunities for self-expression

Benefitting from a Whole School Ethos

  • Seamless transition: close collaboration with the Senior School provides access to specialised teaching and facilities
  • Comprehensive understanding: staff ensure a smooth transition with a deep understanding of each child’s individual needs

Inclusive Community

  • Mutual respect: rooted in our Methodist values and the Farringtons Pledge, we foster a welcoming and inclusive environment
  • Celebrating diversity: we embrace pupils of all faiths and backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging
  • Active citizenship: charitable initiatives and community involvement instil empathy and social responsibility
"The teachers are fully committed to delivering excellent education to the children. The lessons are engaging and stimulating and my child is always excited to tell me about the fun things he has learnt. I feel that the teachers really understand my child and this supports his development." Prep School parent


  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
