school grounds

Values and Ethos

Our Mission

To inspire, assist and challenge young people to achieve their potential.

Our Aim

To be recognised as one of the leading independent, co-educational day and boarding schools in Kent, providing education for children aged 3-18. To be the first choice of school in the local area.

Our Values

The School motto, ‘Posside Sapientiam’, (growing in wisdom) influences much of what we do.

Underpinned by Christian values, Farringtons School aspires to be a place of trust and respect where teachers take an active interest in the intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual development of every pupil. We know co-education to be the right platform for developing the interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the modern world. The importance we place on nurturing individuality and the manageable size of Farringtons ensures that students do not get lost, but rather thrive in their own way – they are encouraged to ‘develop and shine’.

Our Core Objectives

To make our vision reality, we will be working towards six core strategic objectives:

  • To recruit, develop and retain staff of the highest calibre, such that we ensure every pupil achieves their full academic potential, develops a long-lasting love of learning and is fully prepared for life beyond school, both at university and in the world of work
  • To build on the school’s established reputation for providing a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment and to be recognised as a beacon of excellence, both locally and further afield, for our individualised approach to pastoral care and the emphasis placed on pupil and staff wellbeing. To continue fostering the strong sense of ‘family’, ensuring all members of the Farringtons community feel included and connected to the school, and providing increased opportunities for alumni engagement
  • To ensure that Christian values continue to underpin Farringtons’ Methodist ethos and that Chapel remains a central part of school life. To encourage ongoing outreach in the local community and to instil in the pupils a sense of social and global responsibility, as well as a desire to support and be involved in charitable work.  To explore how we can develop our existing school partnerships further as part of MIST, as well as establishing new ones
  • To promote further the school’s holistic approach to education, ensuring that Farringtons thrives, attracts a diverse wide range of pupils and is increasingly well-known for the quality of opportunities it provides in Sport, Music and the Performing and Creative Arts, as well as for its distinctive Floreat Programme and approach to character development
  • To establish a programme of capital projects, in order of priority, so as to ensure Farringtons’ impressive site and facilities remain a real selling point of the school and inspire pupils to strive for excellence, whilst at the same time providing a safe, accessible and fit for purpose environment in which everyone can flourish. To explore the potential for fundraising in support of new projects and bursaries, as well as ways to market the school’s facilities positively
  • To re-establish boarding as a central and recognisable feature of Farringtons, maximising the benefits of the school’s geographical location and attracting pupils both from the UK, as well as from an increasingly diverse range of countries overseas.

Mission Statement of Methodist Independent Schools

Farringtons School is part of a group administered by the Council for Methodist Independent Schools.

We are all committed to the following mission statement:

The Methodist church is engaged in education as part of its Christian mission in the world. Its schools will seek to extend the Methodist ethos and character and contribute to diversity in education.

The Schools’ Aim

  • To be caring Christian family communities committed to the development of the full potential of each individual, having regard for their personal attributes in addition to their academic aspirations
  • To maintain high educational standards in all their academic, cultural and sporting activities, stimulating excitement in learning and requiring discipline in study whatever the ability of the child
  • To work with and in the communities, they serve
  • To worship as Christians in the Methodist tradition; to uphold Christian values in practice as well as in theory and to make religious education a strong feature of the curriculum, whilst welcoming members of other faiths (and none) in a spirit of openness and tolerance
  • To encourage pupils in a critical examination of the standards and values current in society and to discover and develop a personal faith to guide them throughout their lives.

Farringtons School values its Methodist heritage and Christian foundation which fundamentally shape the aims and values which emerge from the Methodist Independent Schools’ Mission Statement.



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
