The children have worked incredibly hard this week in Pre-Reception. They have fully immersed themselves back into their learning.
We have enjoyed exploring various aspects of Japan. The children have learnt to say ‘Hello’ in Japanese and count to 3. We have listened to traditional Japanese stories including ‘Peach Boy’. We have created cherry blossom pictures, which you can see in our classroom window display. The children also had great fun creating volcanoes that erupted.
In Maths, we have been subitising the number 1, 2 and 3 using various formats. The children are becoming much more confident in being able to visualise an amount up to three.
Next week we will continue looking at the number 3, this will include counting 3 and recognition of the numeral 3.
In Phonics we will learn how to pronounce the sound ‘g’. We will also start to encourage the children to listen carefully to the start of words and see if they can identify the initial sound – even if it is not the focus sound of the week.
It has been a chilly week of learning both inside and outside the classroom this week, as we continued our new topic ‘Ticket around the World’ and visited the polar regions.
Understanding the World
This week our travels took us to the Arctic and Antarctic. We have been busy learning lots of facts about the polar regions. Where they are located, the environment, the animals and what it would be like to live there. We learnt facts about the animals and sorted the animals into those that live in the Arctic and Antarctic.
We continued our learning within Phase 3 and introduced the phonemes ‘oo,’ oo,’ ‘ar.’ and ‘or.’ In class we practised saying the sounds, blending the sounds together to read words, for example ‘c-ar-d.’ We then practised letter formation by writing out the letters cursively. We continued to read short and write short captions, for example ‘I can see a car in the dark.’ This week we introduced the tricky words ‘was,’ ‘you’ and ‘they.’
We completed our topic ‘alive in 5’ and moved onto ‘mass and capacity’. We have been encouraging the children to recognise that numbers can also be made up of more than two parts, by exploring composition in of numbers into 3 groups. This week we also practised writing these as number sentences. Later in the week we explored capacity and using balance scales.
Expressive arts and design
Linked to our learning on the polar regions the children have been using a range of skills to make penguins and polar bears using different media. The children’s concentration and resilience skills were put to the test when they used their fine motor skills to create igloos out of sugar cubes.
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