Early Years Playground

What Early Years got up to this week

Prep School pupils


We had a wonderful Harvest Festival Service on Wednesday and we were so proud of the children, not only for their performances, but also for their behaviour during the service.
The children have enjoyed learning about Autumn and seasonal change over the past two weeks. We have been on many walks in the grounds to observe these changes with the children.


In Maths this week we have matched objects by sizes, colours and shapes.


In Jigsaw PSHE, the children learnt about their rights to play and learn. We played a game of ‘fruit salad’ and gave each child a fruit name. When their fruit was called, they swapped placed with someone who was given the same fruit. When we called ‘fruit salad’, all children swapped places. We then spoke with the children to find out how they felt when they played games.

It has been another busy week across Reception. I am sure you will agree, the children performed beautifully at Wednesday’s Harvest service. For those parents who were unable to attend, a recording will shortly be posted onto Tapestry.



This week in Literacy we have been learning about autumn. Thank you for the autumn walk collections; the children really enjoyed exploring and discussing in class what they had found. We learned about the environmental changes you see in autumn. We discussed hibernation and migration. We also discussed celebrations that occur during autumn.


In Maths, we continued with our module ‘talk about measure and patterns.’ Our focus this week was on patterns. We started by exploring patterns in the natural world. We then moved onto looking closely at the features of simple patterns to being able to copy and continue and creating our own 2, 3 and 4 object repeating patterns.


This week we learnt the phonemes ‘ck, e, u and r.’ In class we practised saying the sounds, blending the sounds together to read words, for example ‘d-u-ck’. We then practised letter formation by writing out the letters cursively. We also learnt the tricky word ‘I’.

Find out more about Early Years.

Early Years work Early Years celebrating Harvest Festival
  • Prep School Working Open Morning: Wednesday 26th February at 9.15am
  • Senior School Working Open Morning: Friday 7th March 2025 at 9.15am

