Early Years Playground

What Early Years got up to this week

Exploring size


We have had yet another busy week in Pre-Reception! 


In Maths, the children have been matching buttons, wellies and towers. They are starting to solve ‘odd one out’ problems. This involves deeper thinking and is quite challenging for the children. 


This week we have read Matin Waddell’s ‘Owl Babies’. The children have made an owl, and we have been thinking about how the owls feel in the story. Being able to talk about their own emotions is a skill we are constantly working on in class.  Discussing the owls’ emotions helps the children to develop empathy for others.  


In Phonics, we have continued to develop the children’s ability to ‘tune into sound’ by using body percussion and instruments to mimic sounds that they may hear around their houses. This also has a personal, social and emotional development aspect as we encourage the children to stand up and talk about their family. 


In our Jigsaw PSHE lesson, which supports the children’s personal, social and emotional development, we have worked on taking turns, sharing, and considering each other’s feelings. 

The children are working hard to learn the lyrics and tunes to their harvest festival songs. 



Continuing with our topic ‘ourselves,’ the children talked about their families. They clearly enjoyed talking about their loved ones, which included several pets! We continued to develop our listening and speaking skills by asking questions to find out information. We explored several books that celebrated the difference between families. We particularly enjoyed ‘Who’s in my family’ by Robie H Harris.


In Maths, we continued with the module on ‘match, sort and compare.’ This week we focused on the compare element. We compared objects by size, length, height and by which group had more or fewer. We modelled and encouraged the children to use mathematical language including bigger/smaller, tallest/shortest, long/short, fewer, and more. The children really enjoyed applying their new learning to practical problem-solving activities, for example, organising themselves into a line from shortest to tallest.


This week we learnt the phonemes ‘i, n, m and d.’ In class we practised saying the sounds, blending the sounds together to read words, for example ‘t-a-p’. We then practised letter formation by writing out the letters.

Expressive Arts and Design

As part of our topic ‘ourselves,’ we have been encouraging the children to make representations of their families using loose parts. ‘Loose parts’ play allows children to be creative, curious, and imaginative by using a range of materials with no set outcome. The results were fantastic.

Find out more about Early Years.

Forest School Forest School


  • Prep School Working Open Morning: Wednesday 26th February at 9.15am
  • Senior School Working Open Morning: Friday 7th March 2025 at 9.15am

