Early Years Playground

What Early Years got up to this week

Reception pupil


It has been a pleasure to welcome the children into our Pre-Reception class this week! They have been very engaged in their activities and have settled well.

Our topic this term is ‘ourselves’ and we look forward to receiving photographs of children with a favourite toy and with their families. This will be used as a prop for children to use to talk about themselves. The children love recognising themselves and their families in photographs in the school setting.  They can also be used as a stimulus for encouraging the children to develop their communication and language skills.

We will be conducting our baseline assessments over the course of the next two weeks. The children will take part in lots of different activities, led by the teachers. These assessments help us to find out what the children already know and can do. We can then use our findings to plan activities for the children.


It has been wonderful to welcome the children into Reception.  They have impressed us with their eagerness and enthusiasm!  

Over the last two days, we have encouraged the children to explore the new environment, and they have been very engaged in their activities.  We have started to introduce our daily routines and the children are beginning to understand our expectations and structures. 

To support the children’s transition and wellbeing, we have focused on the wonderful book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. We have discussed the different feelings that we may have and spoke about how all feelings are okay.  

Find out more about Early Years.

Pre-Reception pupils Reception pupil

  • Prep School Working Open Morning: Wednesday 26th February at 9.15am
  • Senior School Working Open Morning: Friday 7th March 2025 at 9.15am

