Drumming at Luceat day

Luceat Day

Luceat Day

The atmosphere in school today has been lively and energetic. I am so pleased that parents have had the opportunity to see all of the wonderful work the children have put together as part of the Luceat Exhibition. Thank you for all of your positive feedback. I am so proud of the Year 2, 4 and 6 pupils for working on their ‘Citizenship’ strand of the Luceat programme and raising money for the EduKid charity. Thank you parents for donating generously to a worthy cause. A big thank you to Mr Hadfield for leading on this year’s events.

Mr Boyjoonauth, Head of the Prep School



  • Senior School Working Open Morning  – 7th November at 9.15am
  • Prep School Working Open Morning – 26th February 2025 at 9.15am
