Science Lesson

Academic Subjects

Throughout Years 7 to 11, Farringtons pupils engage in a rich and diverse curriculum designed to foster academic excellence and personal growth. Our core subjects, including Mathematics, English Language and Literature, and Sciences (encompassing Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), form the foundation of their learning journey, providing essential skills and knowledge for their future endeavours.


In addition to the core subjects, Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum from Years 7 to 9, offering pupils opportunities for reflection, cultural understanding, and moral development.

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) hold a significant place in our educational program, reflecting the importance of global communication and cultural awareness. Beginning with our core language, French, in Year 7, pupils are introduced to the beauty and complexity of language learning. In Year 8, they have the freedom to further broaden their linguistic horizons by selecting either Spanish or German as a second MFL, fostering proficiency and appreciation for diverse cultures.

At Farringtons, we recognise the importance of nurturing pupils’ creative expression and technological literacy. Our extensive Creative Arts and Technology offerings provide pupils with a wide array of opportunities to explore their passions and develop their talents. From Photography, Humanities to Performing Arts, pupils have the freedom to delve into subjects that ignite their curiosity and creativity. These serve as pathways to GCSE and A Level qualifications, allowing pupils to pursue their interests at a higher level and carve out fulfilling academic and artistic paths.

By offering a comprehensive curriculum that emphasises both academic rigor and personal development, Farringtons empowers pupils to excel academically, embrace diversity, and become confident, well-rounded individuals prepared for success in an ever-changing world.


Saturday 5th October 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Early Years, Prep School and Senior School. During the morning you will have the opportunity to explore our superb facilities (guided by one of our current pupils), hear from the Head, listen to a pupil Q&A (Senior School sessions only), talk to our dedicated team of teachers and view the inspiring educational and co-curricular activities available to your child.