
At Farringtons School, we believe in nurturing the whole child, fostering not just academic excellence but also personal growth and emotional wellbeing. That’s why we offer a robust and innovative support system designed to allow pupils to thrive.

Dedicated Team, Exceptional Care

  • Strong pastoral team: our experienced pastoral team and Form Tutors act as the first line of support, fostering a safe and positive learning environment
  • Specialist support: a dedicated Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, School Counsellor, and Chaplain provide expert guidance and personalised support whenever needed
  • Peer mentors: trained Sixth Formers who have gained the internationally recognised Level 2 Mental Health First Aid qualification offer a friendly ear and relatable advice, promoting peer support and building confidence

Safe Spaces, Personalised Support

  • The wellbeing room: this dedicated space offers a calm environment for quiet reflection
  • Wellbeing dog: Atlas, our adorable canine companion, provides comfort and unconditional love, contributing to emotional wellbeing
  • Wellbeing Hub: access a wealth of resources, advice, and support through our online Wellbeing Hub, available to parents, pupils, and staff

Learning And Growing Together

  • Integrated Wellbeing lessons: weekly lessons equip pupils with essential skills and knowledge to navigate emotions, build resilience, and make healthy choices
  • Open dialogue: listen to our Farringtons Features podcast to hear pupils and staff discuss mental health and wellbeing in detail

Together, we create a nurturing environment where all pupils feel supported, empowered, and ready to flourish.


Saturday 5th October 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Early Years, Prep School and Senior School. During the morning you will have the opportunity to explore our superb facilities (guided by one of our current pupils), hear from the Head, listen to a pupil Q&A (Senior School sessions only), talk to our dedicated team of teachers and view the inspiring educational and co-curricular activities available to your child.