Pastoral Care

At Farringtons School, we pride ourselves on our pastoral care. Our ethos, size and determination to treat each person both as an individual and as a member of the community are important to us. We work in partnership with parents to ensure that all of our pupils feel supported and valued.

Strong Relationships, Lasting Support

  • Dedicated Form Tutors: all pupils are assigned a dedicated Form Tutor who serves as their primary point of contact. They guide both academic and social development, offering tailored support and fostering strong relationships.
  • Extensive support network: Form Tutors are backed by a team of pastoral leaders, the Head, Assistant Heads, and other specialists like the School Counsellor and Chaplain, ensuring comprehensive support for every pupil.
  • Open communication: regular year group meetings and appointments provide opportunities for parents, pupils, and staff to openly discuss progress, needs, and any concerns.

Building Character, Inspiring Compassion

  • Inclusive Chapel services: our vibrant Chapel welcomes all, offering regular worship opportunities for both and Senior School pupils. Services explore relevant local, national, and global issues, fostering tolerance, understanding, and respect.

Farringtons is more than just a school; it’s a nurturing haven where pupils thrive within a supportive network. This commitment to pastoral care ensures that every individual feel seen, heard, and empowered to reach their full potential.

"Something that is important to me is knowing that I am part of the Farringtons community and my favourite thing of all would definitely be the kindness and encouragement I get from the staff members at all times." Joe - Year 7

Saturday 5th October 2024

For all families who are interested in finding out more about our Early Years, Prep School and Senior School. During the morning you will have the opportunity to explore our superb facilities (guided by one of our current pupils), hear from the Head, listen to a pupil Q&A (Senior School sessions only), talk to our dedicated team of teachers and view the inspiring educational and co-curricular activities available to your child.