Flourish at Farringtons: Helping your daughter to navigate friendship
Farringtons School

Flourish at Farringtons: Helping your daughter to navigate friendship

Flourish at Farringtons: Helping your daughter to navigate friendship
Admin Announcement

Monday 23rd January saw the first Flourish at Farringtons presentation of 2023. Entitled “Helping your daughter to navigate friendship” the talk superbly examined the emotional needs of girls, their social interactions and how we can all support our pupils/daughters during times of friendship turbulence. The presenter, Andrew Hampton, is a former Headteacher of many years and a father to two daughters. He is the Founder and CEO of “Girls on Board”, an award winning organisation and programme which seeks to empower and enable girls to help solve their own social interactions. Over the course of the hour Andrew offered insights, practical tips and advice such as “listen and distract”, girls’ “hierarchy of needs” and “what not to say” which could be implemented both at home and school. Andrew concluded by hosting a Q&A with some excellent questions from the staff and many parents in attendance. Assistant Head (Pastoral) Simon Smith said “Andrew’s presentation is just the start of our Girls on Board journey. Last night was the best attended of any of our Flourish at Farringtons talks which exemplifies both the importance of the subject matter and the growing interest in Farringtons’ pastoral programme. Andrew’s expertise will certainly help us to help our pupils.” We will be releasing more details about the Girls on Board programme in the coming weeks and our next Flourish at Farringtons talk will be on the 7th February, in Chapel, hosted by Mr Smith on the topic of our “Wellbeing Hub”.

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